Friday, November 14, 2008

Where did the time go???

Anyone besides me wonder where the time goes as you get older?

I mean when we were kids it seemed to take FOREVER to get around to Christmas again... or to birthdays... or summer vacation... All that kind of stuff seemed far off in our distant futures.

Now though, in my maturing year, I've noticed that it seems only a few months have passed since we just paid of the credit card bills for LAST YEAR's Christmas and here it is time to start charging them back up again for this year. Incredible! Since when did the years get shorter?

Or for that matter, since when did our days get shorter?? It seems like just yesterday that I was planning for my oldest daughter's sixteenth birthday party and here we are coming up on her 23rd birthday!! My youngest will be sixteen in March and it was only three years ago that I planned the middle one's sixteenth as well. Where in the hell did the time run off to??

Two graduated from high school already and one with only a few years there left. WOW!

See? So not only do our years pass more quickly, but the multiple years seem to pass more swiftly as we grow older as well. What law in physics can explain that???

Puzzled in the Mountains,

Dragon Lady

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