Thursday, November 13, 2008

Finally over...

Anyone besides me happy that all the election crap is over with?

If you can't already tell, I hate politics. It's not that I don't believe we need a system of governing bodies or anything like that... I just feel like we're watching a great big dog and pony show and trying to figure out who has the least amount of faults.

Either way, I'm simply happy that it's over and done with and hopefully we can look forward to a brighter future with the candidate that was elected. Don't ask me who I voted for, because I won't tell you. I had a hard time with my decision as did a whole boatload of other voters out there, but now all we can do is hope that the general majority that won can do what they said they'd do and get us out of some of this economic mess we're in.

Have you noticed that since the elections, the price of gas has decreased?

The price of chicken in the grocery store has also gone down?

Someone please tell me what changed in two months???

It kills me to go into the grocery store and look at the meat selection and see that it's cheaper to eat steak five nights a week than it is to eat chicken. Used to be, chicken was the el cheapo meat that you ate when you were low on cash near the end of the month. But now, it's like it's the filet mignon of the butcher's aisle.

Of course I'm not objecting to eating steak or chicken or even pork for that matter, but what I don't understand is WHY is there such a difference in price??

Someone once said that it was because the farmers that grow the corn for feed are now producing it for alternative fuels. I can't see the logic in that though, because not only do chickens get fed corn, but beef do too... and trust me on this... a cow eats a hell of a lot more corn than a chicken does!!

So... what's the cause of the price difference? Processing?? I can't see that considering the size difference in the animals...

Anyone have any idea? Or is everyone just as baffled as me?

Confused in the mountains...

Lady Dragon

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