Friday, August 15, 2008

Good morning!

Well, at least it's a good morning here in the mountains. A dear friend of mine suggested that since I have a passion for writing that I try expressing myself on a blogger's site. Interesting idea, I must say, so I'm giving it a shot.

He said that I write 'from the heart'. Well, that's true. It's the only way that I know how to write. I write what I feel and sometimes that doesn't always sit well with others. Sometimes I'm hasty in what I say without actually thinking of the other person before I say it. It's my hope that by writing to a blog that will be seen by the general public, I will learn to stay by sharp tongue for when it would be best served rather than to slice and dice wantonly and injure innocents in the process. Wow.. that was a lot to say and almost a profound statement, if I do say so myself.

"Think before you speak." my mother used to tell me, and as I've grown older I find that it's often true. But is it fair to yourself when you fail to speak out of courtesy for someone else and end up compromising how you truly feel? Is it a compromise to NOT say what you're thinking?

I think sometimes it is. Sometimes the truth, as you yourself sees it, can be enlightening to others. Do we do ourselves justice to remain silent when what we REALLY want to say might hurt someone's feelings?

I'm not a mean person by nature. I would never say something to someone just for the sole purpose of hurting their feelings. But there come times when what I REALLY want to say would likely come across as mean, even though it would make the other person I say it to THINK about what they are doing, either to themselves or to someone else. Would I be wrong to be silent then?

A moral delima, yes. But one that through writing on this blog, I hope that I can eventually find an answer to, or at the very least a happy middle ground where I don't feel that my silence makes a mockery out of my moral values or steadfast beliefs. Whatever the case, thank you for listening, and thank you even more for taking the time to tell me what you think about it.

Sunny in the Mountains!

Lady Dragon


SpacerGuy said...

I must confess, there have been occasions when I have kept silent in the presence of others. My brother for instance has a loud voice, lol and my other brother is interesting and probably likes the sound of his so people socialise alot with him especially women. My mother, God bless her, I love her to bits, has strong beliefs, one of them being know your place in society and speak when your spoken to. Crumbs......You can bet I was sorry for having asked her. Its interesting how people react to other people.

For instance, I had the opportunity to pick my elder brothers brains about the snobby physios and certain management members attitudes towards the less educated employees where I work. Paul has a Diploma, Degree and a Masters in Accounting and Computers. Heaven knows what else but his responce was logical and hit home. Being one of the little people (thats me) does'nt make our jobs any less important, however he offered a likely reason for their behaviour. The professionals are busy people with alot on their minds, they probably see semi-skilled staff as people who aren't interested in bettering themselves and it is embarassing (lol)acknowledging the lower lifeforms in front of their educated peers (sc-ew them I said).......

I can write with certainty that there are employees who hate the management where I work, despite my employers dignity at work policy which they claim to cherish and is a total failure in my experience. In fact my employers failed in their duty of care towards me, ( they will be cursed with a stain of blood for ten generations, lol but seriously they are cursed with bad karma. I believe in this stuff and in bad luck money, the goldiggers luck eventually runs out. ) but thats another story, hence thats why my RPG is so important to me.

I keep my opinions to myself when at work these days because pure reasoning tells me that its better to keep stump about some matters. I'm sorry my comment got so drawn out but I've enjoyed reading your wonderful blog.

LadyDragon said...

*does happy dance* Another friend commented!

I can relate to the relative caste system of the workplace. In fact, that's quite entirely one of the reasons I left my former job to become a more self reliant individual. (Another term for self employed and always broke! :) )

At any rate, it's great to hear from you and I'm thrilled that you took the time to share your insight with me. In truth, it actually feels good to know that it's not just in this local area that folks can have a condescending attitude with regards to their fellow employees.

For a long time, I thought it was just me or my perfume that pissed people off! LOL

Catch you later!