Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to School

Well, it's that time of year again when the big yellow busses start touring our roads delivering the youth of America to and from our illustrious public (or private) school system. What a happy and yet sad day for all of us parents!

Never let it be said that I don't love or appreciate my children, but I have say that a large part of me is relieved when I see them take that first ride to school again... even with the kicking and screaming it took to get me out of bed to assist! Peace and quiet in the house during the day. Husband driving errands for a family friend... even the dogs are lazing about in the sun outside and there are no sounds of puppy squabbles in the yard.


And then I realize it's too quiet. I can hear something scratching. No... I swear I heard it... turned off the air conditioner to listen more closely....


It sounds like it's in the kitchen, so I grab a broom and stealth to the sink...


I stand there for a good two minutes, just waiting to hear the noise again, but there's nothing to be heard. Giving up, but not convinced that my house is not possessed, I leave the broom by the kitchen door and walk back to my laptop and recliner.

No sooner do I get seated and comfortable than I hear the scratching again over my tap tap tap of the keys on the keyboard. Once more I sneak into the kitchen, less successfully this time as I tripped over the portable steam cleaner sitting by the doorway.

The scratching was coming from my lower cabinet by the sink, so I brace myself, broom at ready (Harry Potter would have been proud!) and flung open the door....

to find the biggest, black rat I have EVER seen in my entire life!

I screamed!

It screamed!

And ran off under the refrigerator...

By the time my husband got home, I had pulled everything in the kitchen out from the walls in search of the black demon.

That was day before yesterday... and I've not slept soundly since then... I know he's out there... somewhere.... watching me... just waiting to jump out and scare me again...

But I have to admit that it's not as bad as it could have been if it had been a spider!

Shudders in the Mountains!

Dragon Lady


Melissa said...

Rats skeer me too.. but not as bad as copperheaded water rattlers!!!

LadyDragon said...

folks... if you don't already know... that's a new kind of snake we have in the mountains here...

Melissa's seen 'em! I swear she has! LMAO

Of course like my mom used to tell me, "Snakes are evil creatures! They wait until you're not looking so they can sneak up behind you and bite you in the ankle. You have to have eyes in the back of your head when you walk in these hills because there are some fairly dangerous reptiles just waiting to get the chance to take a hunk out of your leg."

yes... my mother was terrified of snakes...

Me? Not so much... but I'm telling you there are some big big big hairy nasty spiders around here with fangs three inches long and twelve eyes that are just wating for a chance to jump out of some shadow and wrap you up in a web so they can have you for dinner next week....

Dragon Lady