Sunday, October 4, 2009

Is it love?

Wow, I have to say that things have changed!

Long distance relationships are now made simple thanks to the invention of internet and cell phones. But sometimes I wonder if we havent' taken it a bit too far!?

Sure the internet helps to broaden our social base. It lets us befriend people who we might never have a chance to come in contact with. It opens up doors and opportunities that might never have existed when our network of friends was limited by the time it took to deliver a letter or make a drive for a visit.

Remember when the 'emergency of the day' had to wait until you got home and found the message on the answering machine? Now it's only moments away, and what we call emergencies are simple what used to be a matter of convenience. Remember when you forgot your gym clothes at home and couldn't reach mom or dad because they were at work? You had to do without! You had to either sit out the class on the bench, or spend time in the health room watching a movie while the rest of the kids played volleyball! OH the travesty of it all!

How did we live with the inconvience of it all?? (please note the dripping sarcasm here! ;) )

But I think that the most unusual thing I've seen is the fact that through internet and cell phones we can carry on long distance relationships just like they were with the boy/girl next door!

However, I have to put my foot down and say that I have seen the most rediculous thing that I've ever seen in my life. I'm privvy to the ins and outs of a long distance relations between my daughter and a nice young man that lives some distance away. Bear in mind, they met on the internet, they talk on the internet, they talk via cell phone and they talk A LOT... and they have never met in person...

But... just so that they can 'spend time together' they sleep together. Not literally of course since they have never met in person... they leave an open cell call between them WHILE THEY SLEEP!!

I repeat... both parties are ASLEEP...

What are they doing? Listening to each other snore??

And if they lose connection, one or the other will call back just so they can hear each other...

once again....


I'm at a loss... Am I that far behind the times that I just don't get it??

Someone please enlighten me!!

Very confused in the mountains!
