Sunday, May 24, 2009


Can you believe it? I got up this morning thinking I'd spend a nice day playing Warcraft and the next thing you know there's a confrontation with my idiot brother-in-law and both my husband and I ended up arrested.

It's a bunch of he said, she said b.s. if you ask me, but evidently I said that I'd shoot him through the window in the eye. Wow, I wish I'd been conscious to remember that! LMAO and in that terminology too? For heaven's sake, I use better grammer than that!! Who the heck is he kidding???

But... as with any threat of violence, the court system must take it seriously, and I applaud them for their unbiased treatement of the situation. It situation was totally stupid and got completely out of hand, but in the end, I have no doubts that it will sort itself out because I NEVER said any such thing to him. Hell, I never even implied it for that matter.

The extent of what I told him was to leave my property and don't come back. I don't want him dead, just gone. That's all. He has no respect for anyone, and I'm not about to let him run over me, especially not on my own property!

Yes, this is a soapbox, and I'd love to rant and rave about how "hoppin' mad" he's made me, but I have to be honest, I don't care to air that dirty laundry and I'm sure y'all don't care to hear about it. If you do, call me... and I'll tell you in person.

Actually the whole process of being arrested was quite interesting. I actually got handcuffs put on me! Not that I'm exactly thrilled about it, but considering that my educational persuit is Criminal Justice... it's ironic! I was even patted down by a female officer to make sure I wasn't carrying any weapons into the jail! Quite an experience, if I do say so myself.

Most of you know this, but I've never been arrested in my life. The most trouble I've ever gotten into is a speeding ticket here and there! So this 'communicating threats' was quite a change for me, and even moreso when I am charged with saying something so obtusely out of character and composition for me!!

Just goes to show how trumped up charges can be put on the record by a lying individual bent on being vindictive.

Falsely accused in the mountains,
