Sunday, October 26, 2008

Politics Sucks!!

It's been awhile since I wrote my last blog, and I suppose on some levels that's a good thing. It pretty much means that nothing has pissed me off! But I'm sure I'm not alone in how I feel about this particular issue...

Political Campaining and Politics in general...

Has anyone besides me noticed that our elections have turned from 'the best man for the job' to 'the lesser of the evils presented'? I sincerely doubt that this was the way our ancestors were thinking our democratic society would develop into!

This one does this or that. That one does not do this or that. Mudslinging abounds! Each one pointing out the other's faults and shortcomings and making light of their own, and vice versa. Political posturing at it's finest.

What a crock of crap!!

Is your mailbox full of flyers? Mine is. And after having read the first couple or three, my eyes kinda glazed over and I simply put them in the recycle bin. Why bother? It's all the same bullshit anyway??

I swear if they spent a third of the money that they do on advertising on making sure our kids had textbooks and learning materials then one of us parents might end up raising a worthy candidate for president. We might have one that isn't motivated by greed and what faction can further his own aims. We might have someone in there that cares about the economy as a whole instead of coddling the rich because they have the cash to buy the votes.

And it doesn't matter what candidate you consider, the story is still the same. They make promises to get the vote and then when elected, they find their hands are tied by either Congress or the House of Representatives on making any type of decision that might better the US as a whole. He becomes a figurehead, a face connected to a hand to sign on the dotted line. Sure he has the power to Veto... but in reality all that does is put him into the position of a parent trying to settle disputes between two or sometimes three squabbling children. What the hell can anyone accomplish in a position like that???!!! Any parent can tell you that it's like nailing jello to a tree to get anything done that you need to!

I say scrap the whole lot of them and start over with a majority vote from the American people. An enormous task, yes. But it's pretty clear that if we don't do something to drastically change the way things are going, then year after year all we are going to see is worse and worse choices. Personally I don't look forward to that kind of future, do you?

A future that is filled with choices of the lesser of two evils is not one that I'm looking forward, and it's certainly not one that I'm looking forward to turning my kids loose on. No matter what your political view, no matter what candidate you think is the best choice, can you honestly say that we're doing the right thing? Deep in your heart do you not have regrets?

I do.

And so do a larger majority of Americans who make the sarcastic comment of writing in 'Snoopy', 'Charlie Brown' or some other fictional character. But are they really any worse a choice??

So if this a widespread attitude about how fruitless our political choices are, what do we do? How do we make it a worthy choice again? What can this present generation do to secure the future choices for our children?

"You need to vote to make a difference."

I agree with voting. If you don't make a choice, you have no reason to bitch because someone else made the choice for you. But I have to say that I really don't want to because I don't agree with ANY of the choices on the ballot. I feel like my back is to the wall and I'm being pressed into a corner and forced to make a decision where I don't agree with ANY of the choices presented. The lesser of two evils.

And yet, I feel powerless to change this process. And it sucks!!

Frustrated in the mountains,
